Real Techniques Lash & Brow Groomer

Model: MR-RT-LBG

中國 , 香港 , 澳門 , 台灣


Mrs. Rivers 筆記:

這支 Real Techniques Lash & Brow Groomer 是最簡單的小工具,用來梳理眉毛或眼睫毛均可,簡單實用美觀。Mrs. Rivers 給大家一個小 trips,姊妹們如果想眉妝貼服持久,一整天不脫色,便要緊記在上任何産品之前,先用 Real Techniques Lash & Brow Groomer 把眉毛間隔着的粉底殘渣掃走,然後薄薄上一層眼部打底霜。這樣做不但能令整個妝容頓時變得整潔,還可讓畫眉過程更順暢,所畫出來的眉形更加持久耐看。


This precision groomer is essential for defined, separated lashes and beautiful brows:

  • look pixel-perfect even in harsh light
  • dense nylon bristles are 100% cruelty-free
  • precision comb includes protective cap for storage and travel
  • extended aluminum handle is light and easy to use