Mrs. Rivers 筆記:
Sigma E35 Tapered Blending Brush 是 Sigma 化妝掃系列另一人氣之選。Sigma E35 Blending Brush 的毛質是柔滑而挺的,刷毛比較長,刷底圓而刷頭頂部略為蓬鬆,是非常適合作眼窩位置造影,或推鬆眼影邊之用。
Mrs. Rivers 會在外眼角掃上小量深色的眼影,然後拿一支沒有沾上任何眼影的 Sigma E35 Tapered Blending Brush,只用掃的最頂端部份,輕輕手由外眼角沿着眼窩向內打小圈,前後重覆動作直至把眼影均勻推開,這樣出來的眼窩造影非常自然,不致於太散,但又不會給看見眼影邊的。請看看 Sigma E35 Tapered Blending Brush 在著名化妝品用家評論網 MakeupAlley.com 的評分吧(滿分為 5 分)!
Unique Feature: Longer, slightly firm bristles
Function: Controlled application of crease color
Recommended Use: Using just the tip of the brush to pick up color, apply product directly onto the crease and sweep through. Effect is blended, but defined.
Dimensions: Length: 7 in. (17.78 cm)